
Showing posts from January, 2018


An information about the Earth brought by the Qur'an is its similarity to the sky composed of seven layers: It is God who has created seven heavens and so many lands.  Cheap Umrah Deals UK Between them [His] commandment goes down, that you may know that God is truly Omnipotent and that God has embraced all things of [His] knowledge. (Qur'an, 65: 12) We know, in fact, today that the Earth's atmosphere consists of different superimposed layers. In addition, these layers are precisely sevend as described in the Qur'an. They are described by scientists as follows: 1. Lithosphere (oceanic crust) 2. Lithosphere (Earth's crust) 3. Asthenosphere 4. Upper coat 5. Lower coat 6. External core 7. Internal core The word lithosphere derives from the Greek lithos , meaning "stone", and constituting the upper stratum of the earth's crust. It is rather thin in comparison with other strata. The lithosphere below the oceans is even thinner, and is a...


No! ... I swear by the planets that gravitate, run and disappear! (Qur'an, 81: 15-16) The word khounnas in Surat at-Takwir (verse 15), translated as "gravitate", means shrink and curl, retract and turn around. The Arabic expression translated "disappear" in verse 16 is kounnas, the plural form of kaanis , which refers to a specific pathway: entry into a nest, the focus of a moving body, or those who return home. they are hiding there. Again in verse 16, the word jawaar , the plural form of jariyahwhich means something moving and flowing, is translated as "run". Keeping this meaning in mind, it is very possible that these verses refer to the gravitational forces of the planets and their movements around their orbits. The words in the verses above perfectly describe orbital movements from the force of gravity. Of these, the word khounnas refers to the attraction of the planets by their own centers and also their attraction to the ...


Surely your Lord is God who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established himself on the throne ... (Qur'an, 7:54) An example of the concordance between the Quran and modern science is the age of the universe. Cosmologists estimate the age of the Universe at around 16 to 17 billion years.  Cheapest Umrah Packages UK The Qur'an states that the entire universe was created in six days. These two conceptions of time, which may seem contradictory, are in fact incredibly compatible. In fact, these two figures concerning the age of the Universe are correct. In other words, the Universe was created in six days, as revealed in the Quran, and this period corresponds to 16 to 17 billion years according to our own experience of time. In 1915, Einstein formulated the idea that time was relative, and that the passage of time changed according to the space, the speed at which a person was moving and the force of gravity of the moment. Keeping in mind these differenc...


Praise God who created the heavens and the earth, and established darkness and light. But those who do not believe in their Lord give Him equals. (Qur'an, 6: 1) We all know that without light, no one can see with the naked eye what surrounds it. However, the light we can see is only a very small part of the electroluminescent energy. There are other kinds of electroluminescent energies that humans can not perceive, such as infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray and radio waves. Indeed, these light waves can not be perceived by the human eye. It is therefore interesting to note that the word "darkness" is still used in the plural in the Qur'an. The Arabic word dhouloumaat is used in the plural form in 23 different verses, and at no time is this term used in the singular. The use of the word "darkness" indicates that in addition to these visible light waves, there are other types of waves that we can not see. Only recently have scientists discovered the rationale...


Various topics are addressed in the Quran to invite people to believe. Sometimes it is the heavens, the animals or the plants mentioned there as proof of the existence of God.  Umrah Tour packages Uk  Several verses invite the human being to reflect on his own creation. These verses remind man how he came into the world, what are the stages he has gone through and what is the nature of his essence: It is We who created you. Why do not you believe (at resurrection)? Do you see what you ejaculate (sperm): do you create it or are we the Creator? (Quran, 56: 57-59) In the photo on the left, we see ejaculated semen in the womb. Of the 250 million spermatozoa emitted by the male, only very few reach the egg. The sperm that will fertilize the egg is the only survivor among thousands of other sperm. That man is created not from the whole sperm but only from a small part is reported in the Qur'an through the phrase "a drop of ejaculated sperm". The creation of man and his...


As we have explained above, the creation of the Universe began after a huge explosion. Since then, the universe has continued to expand. Scientists say that when the mass of the Universe has reached a sufficient level, this expansion will stop because of gravity, thus causing the Universe to collapse on itself. It is also believed that this contracting universe will eventually reach a very intense temperature and a high degree of "shrinkage". This theory is known as the Big Crunch. This would lead to the end of all forms of life as we know them. Renata Kallosh and Andrei Linde, physics professors at Stanford University made the following statement on this topic: The Universe may be condemned to collapse and disappear. All that we see now, and all that is at a greater distance and that we do not see, will collapse and be no more than a point no bigger than a proton. Locally, it will be as if you were inside a black hole ... The theory of the Big Crunch hypothesizes that...


Until the mid-20 th century, the idea that prevailed was that the universe is infinite, it has always existed and will never cease to exist.  Cheap Umrah Package UK  According to this theory, known as "the model of the static Universe", the Universe has neither beginning nor end. By supporting the idea that the Universe is a heap of fixed, static and immutable substances, this concept formed the basis of materialist theory and consequently rejected the existence of a Creator. However, with the scientific and technological progress of the 20 th century, the model of the static Universe has been totally discarded. Sensitive probes aboard the COBE satellite, launched by NASA in 1992, captured convincing remnants of the Big Bang. This discovery served as evidence to attest to the veracity of the Big Bang, a scientific phenomenon explaining the creation of the universe from nothingness. We are now in 21 thcentury and a new dawn rises. Through many experiments, observa...


 likewise you see the parched earth: as soon as We bring down water, it moves, swells, and makes all kinds of splendid couples of plants grow. (Surat al-Hajj, 5) The Arabic word for "stirs" in the verse above is ihtazzat which means "to be in motion, to come alive, to shake, to stir". The word rabat translated by "swells" has the following nuances of meaning: "to increase, to increase, to swell, to grow, to develop, to grow (a plant), to fill with air". These terms best describe the changes that occur in the molecular structure of the soil during the rain. Waving of the Earth: The electrostatic charge on the surface of the particle that appears after the rain fell in sufficient quantity on the ground can cause instability and thus tremor movements. This movement is stabilized only when this charge is neutralized by an opposite charge. Particle movement must also be attributed to its collision with water particles. Since water particles do ...


Not at all, but what they did rusted their hearts. (Surat al-Mutaffifin, 14) The term "rusty" used in this verse may be a reference to a biochemical reaction that takes place in the heart. (Allah is the most learned.)  Umrah Package December 2017 Rust results from the reaction of iron with oxygen: oxidation. The oxygen we absorb from the air is transported through the body through the iron in the hemoglobin of the blood. During this process, the oxygen reacts with the iron in the blood, as if a rust phenomenon is constantly repeated in the blood and therefore in the heart, which is at the center of the blood network. An excess of iron in the blood can lead to premature cell aging due to oxidation.1 In the so-called hemochromatosis, due to the excessive accumulation of iron in the body, iron has a toxic effect and depletes organs like the liver. As it is the oxidation of iron, it is often said that "organs rust" or that "rust accumulates" in the organ...