Surely your Lord is God who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established himself on the throne ... (Qur'an, 7:54)
An example of the concordance between the Quran and modern science is the age of the universe. Cosmologists estimate the age of the Universe at around 16 to 17 billion years. Cheapest Umrah Packages UK The Qur'an states that the entire universe was created in six days. These two conceptions of time, which may seem contradictory, are in fact incredibly compatible. In fact, these two figures concerning the age of the Universe are correct. In other words, the Universe was created in six days, as revealed in the Quran, and this period corresponds to 16 to 17 billion years according to our own experience of time.
In 1915, Einstein formulated the idea that time was relative, and that the passage of time changed according to the space, the speed at which a person was moving and the force of gravity of the moment. Keeping in mind these differences in the passage of time, the period of time required to create the Universe, as revealed in seven different verses of the Qur'an, is in fact highly compatible with scientific estimates. The six-day period revealed by the Quran may refer to six periods. Because taking into account the relativity of time, under the present conditions, a "day" refers only to the terrestrial period which is 24 hours. However, elsewhere in the Universe, under other conditions, "a day" can be a much longer period of time. Indeed, the word ayyaam in the six day period (sittat ayyaam ) in these verses (Quran 32: 4, 10: 3, 11: 7, 25: 59, 57: 4, 50: 38, and 7: 54) does not only mean "days" but also "age, period , moment, term ".

During the first period of the Universe, the passage of time took place in a much faster way than we know today. The reason is that at the time of the Big Bang, our Universe was compressed to a very small point. The expansion of the Universe and the increase in its volume since the moment of the explosion have extended the limits to millions of light-years. Indeed, the extension of space since that time has given rise to many ramifications to universal time.
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