Various topics are addressed in the Quran to invite people to believe. Sometimes it is the heavens, the animals or the plants mentioned there as proof of the existence of God. Umrah Tour packages Uk Several verses invite the human being to reflect on his own creation. These verses remind man how he came into the world, what are the stages he has gone through and what is the nature of his essence:
It is We who created you. Why do not you believe (at resurrection)? Do you see what you ejaculate (sperm): do you create it or are we the Creator? (Quran, 56: 57-59)
In the photo on the left, we see ejaculated semen in the womb. Of the 250 million spermatozoa emitted by the male, only very few reach the egg. The sperm that will fertilize the egg is the only survivor among thousands of other sperm.
That man is created not from the whole sperm but only from a small part is reported in the Qur'an through the phrase "a drop of ejaculated sperm".
The creation of man and his miraculous appearance are also emphasized in many other verses. Some of these data are so detailed that it seems completely impossible that a person living in the 7 th century could know them. Let's study some of them:
1. Man is not created from the complete seed, but only from a tiny part of it (sperm).
2. The male determines the sex of the baby.
3. The human embryo clings to the maternal uterus like a leech.

4. The human embryo develops in three "obscure" regions of the uterus.
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