An information about the Earth brought by the Qur'an is its similarity to the sky composed of seven layers: It is God who has created seven heavens and so many lands. Cheap Umrah Deals UK Between them [His] commandment goes down, that you may know that God is truly Omnipotent and that God has embraced all things of [His] knowledge. (Qur'an, 65: 12) We know, in fact, today that the Earth's atmosphere consists of different superimposed layers. In addition, these layers are precisely sevend as described in the Qur'an. They are described by scientists as follows: 1. Lithosphere (oceanic crust) 2. Lithosphere (Earth's crust) 3. Asthenosphere 4. Upper coat 5. Lower coat 6. External core 7. Internal core The word lithosphere derives from the Greek lithos , meaning "stone", and constituting the upper stratum of the earth's crust. It is rather thin in comparison with other strata. The lithosphere below the oceans is even thinner, and is a...